[Infrastructure] Wiki Progress

Daymion T. Reynolds dreynolds at godaddy.com
Fri Mar 29 06:17:52 MST 2019

Excellent work! Keep your script, we will likely need to pull the latest backup before the switch to make it current. Also, we could keep the old wiki up on a subdomain for a while for historical reference. Would this be satisfactory?


From: Infrastructure <infrastructure-bounces at cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Jos Purvis (jopurvis)
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 12:32 PM
To: infrastructure at cabforum.org
Subject: [Infrastructure] Wiki Progress

After much Python hacking (man, am I glad I put those extra skill points in Python the last time I leveled up…), I managed to convince the moin2doku script to churn through the MoinMoin backup file Daymion provided and produce a Dokuwiki copy of the CABF wiki, complete with page content, media links, and all. The only down-side is that it hasn’t retained the edit history of the pages. The previous versions of pages are there, but there’s no handy “revisions” page in the Dokuwiki output to view them or say who changed what when. Consequently, when we cut over to the new wiki, we’d effectively be starting fresh—if someone wanted the information about the edit history for a page, we could reconstruct it as needed, but it won’t be there day-one.

How big an issue do we think that is? Would it be good to ask the Forum about it?

Jos Purvis (jopurvis at cisco.com<mailto:jopurvis at cisco.com>)
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