[Infrastructure] Issues with Minutes

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Mon Dec 30 02:28:07 MST 2019

On 2019-12-16 9:06 μ.μ., Jos Purvis (jopurvis) wrote:
> I know there are several people who go over the minutes to try and 
> clean them up and that’s much appreciated—I’d just much rather the 
> minute-takers be paying some of that cost too. :)
> One thing that might help is to include a reminder to minute-takers to 
> ensure they’re reviewing minutes after assembling them so they’re 
> legible and comprehensible; the discussion about tooling should help 
> here as well. One other thing that might help a lot is if we agreed on 
> a rough standard for how to do minuting, especially for some of the 
> back-and-forth discussions or Q&A sessions we have: everyone seems to 
> pick a different way of notating who’s speaking and who said what, and 
> that can make things very difficult to read. If we agreed on a 
> standardized format that might make it easier—something like:
> If you are minuting a conversation between multiple parties, be sure 
> to attribute statements clearly in the minutes. Each speaker’s 
> contribution should be on a separate line, and should be prefaced with 
> the name and company of the speaker (initials are acceptable if you 
> include expansions or a key). For example, here is a conversation 
> between three people:
> Mercutio Organa (MO), Crufty Kluge LLP> Basically the only new 
> principle involved is that instead of power being generated by the 
> relative motion of conductors and fluxes—
> Heinz Doofenshmirtz (HD), DEI> —it’s produced by the modial 
> interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance, yes. But 
> what about side-fumbling?
> Abby Chatterjee (AC), WeatherCopters Inc.> That’s prevented by the 
> ambifacient lunar waneshaft, which includes six hydrocoptic marzelvanes.
> MO> What kind of winding are we using for that?
> AC> Normal—it’s the lotus O-deltoid type in panendermic semiboloid 
> slots of the stator.
> If you’re minuting a question-and-answer session, be sure to place 
> question and answer on separate lines, and note clearly who is 
> providing the question /and/ the answer. For instance:
> Abby Chatterjee, WeatherCopters Inc.> Are the spurving bearings offset 
> at all?
> Heinz Doofenshmirtz, DEI> No, they’re placed in a direct line with the 
> panametric fan.
> Or does that seem too prescriptive? I like Ryan’s idea of templates 
> for minuting sessions; perhaps the above could be placed into a quick 
> doc template in the wiki for copy-pasting into minutes pages?

I like the idea of doc templates. We are gradually (but slowly) getting 
more "rules/suggestions" introduced for minute-takers. Perhaps someone 
could start an "expectations from minute-takers" page. I have already 
sent several messages to the management list about this topic so we 
already have some initial material to start with.

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