[Cscwg-public] Final Minutes of CSCWG meeting May 4, 2023

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Thu May 18 16:17:49 UTC 2023


Final Minutes: Code Signing WG Meeting: May 4, 2023



Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin
(DigiCert), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert), Janet Hines (VikingCloud), Martijn
Katerbarg (Sectigo), Tim Crawford (BDO),  Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Bruce
Morton (Entrust), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Mohit Kumar (GlobalSign), Rollin
Yu (TrustAsia), Eva Van Steenberge (GlobalSign)  



Antitrust statement: The Antitrust statement was read.

Approval of minutes: Minutes for 26 January 2023 & 20 April 2023 approved

*	Ballot: CSC 18 - Malware base revocation (Martijn)

*	Sending out v2.1 soon
*	Noted a few small changes

*	Request from Ian
*	Changed effective date to allow both using the new procedure right
away or wait until the effective date (April 15, 2024)

*	Tim will send around internally for review.

*	Ballot: Remove SSL BR References (Dimitris was not present so Bruce
gave update) 

*	Review of the capitalized terms has started but is not complete
*	Looking for two endorsers 

*	F2F Agenda Topics Discussion 

*	Discussion around possible presentation from Microsoft but Ian is
looking for some idea of the main topics
*	Suggested there may be time to discuss signing services after the
revocation and 3647 ballot but may need to wait for updates based other
*	Suggested to discuss Timestamping changes
*	Suggested discussing removing text allowing for keys not stored in
*	Bruce suggested discussing high risk items, and Tim mentioned that
in previous discussions post June the plan was to remove high risk language,
Bruce agreed. 
*	Bruce suggested potentially a clean-up ballot 
*	Ben suggested discussion around some of the proposed changes in the
CSBRs and will think about specific topics for discussion
*	Some side discussion between Bruce and Ian about the future of EV
certificates, potential topic for MS to present on and/or have on the agenda
at the F2F
*	Ian suggested discussing certificate transparency for code signing
certificates were there was discussion amongst the attendees that it was a
good topic to add

*	In summary; timestamping changes, high risk language, potentially
some specific CSBR github discussion threads, EV/OV certificates,
certificate transparency
*	Other business

*	Discussed request for new interested party participant from
Hydraulic Software, Dean will connect with Wayne to accomplish. 

*	Next Meeting: May 18th 2023
*	Adjourn

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