[Cscwg-public] Final Minutes of CSCWG December 17

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Thu Jan 14 17:48:25 UTC 2021


Here are the final minutes of the subject call:


1.	Roll call: Dean Coclin, Atsushi Inaba, Bruce Morton, Daniel Hood,
Tomas Gustavson, Joanna Fox, Tim Crawford, Corey Bonnell, Sebastian Shulz,
Doug Beattie, Mike Reilly, Dimitris Zacharopoulos, Eusebio Herrera, Tim
2.	Antitrust statement: read by Dean
3.	Approval of minutes of last call: Minutes approved
4.	Ballot Status: Bruce reviewed Dimitris comments from the list.
Suggested we add a ballot effective date of July 1st. No objections.
Dimitris will endorse. Dean will likely endorse as well. Bruce will send an
updated version to the list. 
5.	Open items from email and parking lot list: 

a.	Briefly discussed Ian's email from Nov 2nd regarding 15.2 and 16.3
but deferred to when Ian returns. 
b.	Discussed a question from Corey. Mike will respond on the list after
reviewing internally. 
c.	Tim Crawford asked about using cloud providers for subscriber keys.
Topic was deferred until Ian returns. 
d.	Doug asked a question regarding cross signing: If a new hierarchy is
setup with 3072 keys, are there any implications to cross certifying with a
2048 bit root. Mike said this might not be a good scenario. Bruce said that
2048 bit roots have to expire by 2030 and it might be the only way for CAs
to keep ubiquity by doing a cross certification mechanism. Mike to
investigate. Corey asked if there was an option for legacy roots to use "not
before" date for specific EKUs to support legacy signing. Mike will look
into it.

6.	Next meeting:  No meeting December 31, next meeting Jan 14th.
7.	Adjourned


Happy Holidays!


Dean Coclin





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