[Cscwg-public] Final minutes CSCWG June 4
Dean Coclin
dean.coclin at digicert.com
Thu Jun 18 09:58:08 MST 2020
Here are the final minutes for the subject call:
1. Roll call: Dean Coclin, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson (Interested
Party), Daniela Hood, Bruce Morton, Mike Reilly, Hugh Mercer, Ian McMillan
2. Antitrust statement: read by Dean
3. Approval of minutes of last call (May 21); Minutes approved and sent
to public list
4. Document Status: Do we have Endorsers? Ready for Ballot?: DigiCert
agreed to endorse the ballot. We assigned it CSCWG-2. Bruce Morton will
circulate a draft and then send to the list for discussion/voting. Dean was
asked to invite Jeff Ward to the next call regarding the audit guidelines.
5. Continue parking lot review using prioritization list from last
meeting (see May 7 minutes). Assign workgroups? Dean asked the members who
got assigned a priority 1 or 2 to make a presentation on the next call with
a brief description of the issue and a proposed solution. It is likely that
this will continue over several calls. A discussion around high risk
requests was held with a suggestion to have the root program notify
certificate issuers when a high risk request exists, how to identify it and
what steps should be taken (i.e. extreme/extra vetting). It was suggested
that an "extreme vetting" procedure be defined in our BR document. This will
be examined again as part of Ian's presentation in 2 weeks. Also the cloud
based signing issue was touched on with the suggestion that Ian talk with
Tomas about it.
6. Any other business? A brief discussion about fall elections
occurred. There is some debate as to whether the CABF rules around
Chair/Vice Chair re-election apply to the working group. Dean to seek
clarification from Dimitris. Also, a discussion on the 3647 migration
exercise ensued. Bruce suggested that one person be in charge of the
migration. Ben will provide a mapping doc from the CABF BRs to the list as a
possible template for our migration.
7. Next meeting: June 18th
8. Adjourn
Dean Coclin
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