[Cscwg-public] Final Minutes CSCWG June 18

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Tue Jul 7 09:51:03 MST 2020


Here are the Final minutes for the subject call:


1.	Roll call: Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Atsushi Inaba (Globalsign), Rich
Smith (Sectigo), Tim Crawford (BDO-WebTrust), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Ian
McMillan (Microsoft), Hugh Mercer (Globalsign), Daniela Hood (GoDaddy), Mike
Reilly (Microsoft)
2.	Antitrust statement: read by Dean
3.	Approval of minutes of last call (June 4): Minutes approved and will
be sent to public list
4.	Ballot Status: Ready to go to ballot?: Bruce suggested we fix
section 11.5 and republish the draft. That section had a bad reference.
Bruce will send out the redline and final versions
5.	Parking lot presentations for Priority 1 and 2 items: Ian and Bruce:
Ian shared a presentation on section 16.3 (Private Key Protection). He
proposed new language to this section including for cloud based HSMs. The
presentation will be sent to the public list. We will hold off reviewing
section 11.5 (High Risk Applications) until Ian returns on July 15th.  Bruce
already discussed 11.5 above. Tim Crawford talked about the audit of the
combined document which will include standard codesigning and an EV
paragraph. We believe the audit will be based on the approved version once
the ballot passes. 
6.	Document reformatting (see Ben's email): Did not get to this topic.
Instead we briefly discussed upcoming elections and the ability for the
current officers to run again. But other nominations were encouraged.
7.	Next meeting:  Due to upcoming holidays, the next meeting will be
off schedule, on July 7th.
8.	Adjourn


Dean Coclin




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