[Cscwg-public] Minutes of CSCWG F2F Meeting in Guangzhou, China, November 5, 2019

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Tue Feb 4 08:15:17 MST 2020

These minutes had not been sent to the public list

Code Signing Working Group

Presenters: Dean Coclin (Digicert), Bruce Morton (Entrust Datacard) 
Note Taker: Dean Coclin 

Chaired by Dean Coclin 

1. Call to Order 

2. Reading of Anti-Trust Statement - read by Robin 

3. Roll Call: Tim Hollebeek, Chris Bailey, Xiu Lei, Eva Van Steenbrugge,
Dimitris Zacharopoulos, Robin Alden, Leo Grove, Clemens Wanko, Li-Chun Chen,
Enrico Entschew, Andreas Hentschel, Scott Rea, Mike Reilly, Tim Callan (by
phone), Tomas Gustavson, Atsushi Inaba 

4. Approval of prior minutes- Minutes of October 24th approved 

5. Scope of WG reminder - Dean read the working group charter to remind
everyone what we can and cannot be working on 

6. SHA-1 prohibition ballot - Mike reported that Jason is working on this
but did not have an update 

7. CA Survey - Mike reported that Jason is working on this but did not have
an update 

8. Process to merge documents - Rich and Bruce were not in attendance. It
was suggested that in order to make progress on this in a substantial way, a
summit be held possibly at Microsoft, in the next few months before the
Bratislava F2F. Mike will advise if this is possible 

9. Any other business 

a. Mitigating fraud in code signing certificates - this topic could also be
covered at the summit. Specifically, ways to improve validation and reduce
fraud in obtaining such certs. 

b. Quantum state code signing - another topic for the summit, where
Microsoft could bring in some people from MSFT research 

10. Next meeting date November 21st 

11. Adjourn 



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