[Infrastructure] Vote tracking excel

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Wed Feb 21 12:47:30 UTC 2024

Hi all,


During today´s collection of votes for SC70 I´ve realized that the list of
CAs and Browsers is out of date.

1pCBo8uI/edit#gid=1202563089> CAB Forum Voting - Ballot Tracker - Google


There´re CAs that no longer exist and more Browsers to add for example. And
I haven´t considered the latest applications so the number can vary a bit
more. I think it does not affect to the results of the ballots due to the
number of CAs voting but the way the browser votes are counted can be an
issue due to that 50%+1.


Also would be good to know when to start reviewing the “participation” of
the different members and look for suspensions. The new charter was approved
and published in December (BTW, there´s no date on the new version 1.3 and
no way to find old version, if that´s of interest) and don´t know when this
is applicable.



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